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2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.



The founder, leader, and ultimate guide of By His Blood Ministries is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Col. 1:18). Who withstood the humiliation of mankind, and gave His life on the Cross to atone for our sin. On the third day, He rose making us alive and giving us the promise of eternal life through Him, and His grace alone (Eph. 2:1-10). The good that is done by this ministry is a product of His love and His guidance; not through any action or thought of our own.

As Head Pastor of By His Blood ministries, I commit myself to dedicating this ministry to doing works as directed by Jesus Christ and God’s Holy Word, the Holy Bible. The primary goal of By His Blood Ministries is to share the true and uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:16-20). In short, all decisions will be made through prayer, supplication, and consultation of God’s Holy Word. God’s Word is a gift to educate and lead His people, it is often misunderstood because it does not align itself with societal norms. Never has there, nor will there ever be, any other writing that demonstrates the love, grace, and mercy afforded to humanity by the One True God.

By His Blood Ministries stands firm in its belief that the largest mission field that can be reached is our own community. It is our intention to reach out to our community, and establish a ministry accessible to all people (Gal. 6:10). There is not one on this earth that is not afflicted with the taint of sin, to believe otherwise would be foolish (1 John 1:7); thus, we are all equals in this endeavor of life on earth. Knowing that we are sinners, and knowing that Jesus Christ gave his life to atone for all sin (1 John 2:2); we can take comfort there is no one and no sin too great for God’s forgiveness. It is with this comfort and knowledge that By His Blood Ministries intends to reach out to the secular community, and share the gift of Christ’s unconditional and undying love.


Sincerely in Christ Jesus,

Pastor Scott T. Parker

Fluffy Clouds


Sunday Morning: 11am

Wednesday Bible Study: 6pm


1104 Afton Street

Johnson City, TN 37601


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